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FM 3-0
+The consolidation of gains is an integral part of all operations. Corps and division headquarters assign purposefully task-organized forces designated consolidation areas to begin consolidate gains activities concurrent with large-scale combat operations. Consolidate gains activities provide freedom of action and higher tempo for those forces committed to the close, deep, and support areas. Units begin consolidate gains activities after achieving a minimum level of control and when there are no on-going large-scale combat operations in a specific portion of their AO. Corps and divisions can designate a maneuver force responsible for consolidation areas. Forces assigned the mission of consolidating gains execute area security and stability tasks. This enables freedom of action for units in the other corps and division areas by allowing them to focus on their assigned tasks and expediting the achievement of the overall purpose of the operation. Initially the focus is on combined arms operations against bypassed enemy forces, defeated remnants, and irregular forces to defeat threats against friendly forces in the support and consolidation areas, as well as those short of the rear boundaries of BCT in the close area. Friendly forces may eventually create or reconstitute an indigenous security force through security cooperation activities as the overall focus of operations shifts from large-scale combat operations to consolidating gains. Optimally, a division commander would assign a BCT to secure a consolidation area. A division is the preferred echelon for this mission in a corps AO. The requirement for additional forces to consolidate gains as early as possible should be accounted for early during planning with appropriate force tailoring by the theater army.