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FM 1-02.1

force health protection – (DOD) Measures to promote, improve, or conserve the behavioral and physical well-being of Service members to enable a healthy and fit force, prevent injury and illness, and protect the force from health hazards. Also called FHP. (JP 4-02) Referenced in FM 4-02, ATP 3-90.1, ATP 4-02.55, ATP 4-02.84. (Army) 2. Encompasses measures to promote, improve, conserve or restore the mental or physical well-being of Soldiers. These measures enable a healthy and fit force, prevent injury and illness, and protect the force from health hazards. These measures also include the prevention aspects of a number of Army Medical Department functions (preventive medicine, including medical surveillance and occupational and environmental health surveillance; veterinary services, including the food inspection and animal care missions, and the prevention of zoonotic disease transmissible to man; combat and operational stress control; dental services (preventive dentistry); and laboratory services [area medical laboratory support]. (FM 4-02)