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FM 1-02.1
area of operations – (DOD) An operational area defined by the joint force commander for land and maritime forces that should be large enough to accomplish their missions and protect their forces. Also called AO. (JP 3-0) Referenced in ADP 1-01, ADP 3-0, ADP 3-19, ADP 3-90, FM 3-0, FM 3-07, FM 3-24, FM 3-52, FM 3-90-1, FM 3-96, FM 4-0, FM 4-40, FM 6-05, ATP 1-06.3, ATP 2-01.3, ATP 3-01.16, ATP 3-01.64, ATP 3-01.85, ATP 3-09.34, ATP 3-20.15, ATP 3-21.10, ATP 3-20.15, ATP 3-21.20, ATP 3-52.2, ATP 3-53.2, ATP 3-55.6, ATP 3-60.2, ATP 3-94.2, ATP 4-02.2, ATP 4-02.55, ATP 4-94, ATP 6-02.2.