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ADP 3-28
Army leaders directing DSCA tasks must understand how U.S. laws, federal government policies, and military policies and regulations limit the types of information that can be collected, processed, analyzed, and retained during domestic operations. Army intelligence staffs and units must understand the authorities for conducting IAA activities. Leaders and staffs must become familiar with the doctrine in this publication and with DOD directives and Army regulations that apply to operations in the homeland. They must be thoroughly familiar with the limits spelled out in AR 381-10. If alerted to prepare for a DSCA mission, unit staffs should obtain the governing operation plan and standard operating procedures from their gaining combatant command's joint task force. Before units begin deployment, S-2s and G-2s should clarify all contentious information collection areas with their higher headquarters. Intelligence staffs should analyze each fragmentary order carefully for support requirements. The S-2s and G-2s should consult with the command staff judge advocate for legal review or with the inspector general for guidance on intelligence oversight requirements.