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ADP 3-5

3-23. An advanced operations base is a small, temporary base established near or within a joint operations area to command, control, and support special operations training or tactical operations (ADP 3-05). The capabilities of the headquarters section/operational detachment–bravo of a Special Forces company provides the core element from which to configure an advanced operations base. Facilities are normally austere, and the base may be ashore or afloat. If ashore, the base may include an airfield or unimproved airstrip, a pier, or an anchorage. The advanced operations base is temporary but normally in a fixed location. Analysis of the operational environment and the mission will drive the need and readiness to displace the base. The Special Forces operational detachment–bravo exercises command of its organic Special Forces operational detachments–alpha as well as those additional Army special operations and conventional forces attached to the commander to support the mission.
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