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ADP 3-07
Six Army stability operations tasks correspond to the stability sectors adopted by the DOS. The subordinate tasks performed by military forces under the stability operations tasks directly support broader efforts within the stability sectors executed as part of unified action. None of these Army stability operations tasks is performed in isolation. When integrated within their complementary stability sectors, they represent a cohesive effort to reestablish the institutions that provide for the civil participation, livelihood, and well-being of the citizens and the state. At the operational level, Army stability operations tasks serve as lines of effort or simply as a guide to action, ensuring broader unity of effort across the stability sectors. (See the discussion on the lines of effort beginning in paragraph 4-29.) Each Army stability task and stability sector contains a number of related subordinate tasks. In any operation, the Army stability operations tasks, and the subordinate tasks included within each area, are integrated with offensive and defensive tasks. (See ADP 3-0 for more information on unified land operations.)