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ADP 3-07

1-21. The manner is the perceived legitimacy of the way in which those exercising a mandate conduct themselves, both individually and collectively. The credible manner in which intervening forces conduct themselves and their operations builds legitimacy as the operation progresses. Highly professional forces are disciplined, trained, and culturally aware. They carry with them an innate perception of legitimacy further strengthened by consistent performance conforming to the standards of national and international law. For military forces, a clearly defined commander’s intent and mission statement establish the initial focus that drives the long-term legitimacy of their mission. American Soldiers, Department of the Army Civilians, and supporting contractors must demonstrate to the host nation and international community their character, competence, and commitment in actions that adhere to and uphold the Army Ethic. Military forces also make every effort to minimize harm to civilians. When harm to civilians does occur, they address it in a culturally appropriate way. (See ATP 3-07.6 for additional information on civilian casualty mitigation.)
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