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ADP 4-0

2-22. The CCDR, through exercising directive authority for logistics, may assign joint logistics responsibilities to a Service component to establish a joint command for logistics (JP 4-0). The assignment as a joint command for logistics is clearly designated by orders and establishes the organization as a joint command. This command authority is not to be confused with executive agent, common-user logistics, or any other type of Army support to other services. Generally, the CCDR will designate the Service with the preponderance of forces or the most capable logistics structure to fill the joint command for logistics requirement. The designated joint command for logistics requires staff augmentation from other Services to meet joint force requirements. See JP 1-0, JP 3-31, and JP 3-33 for more information on establishing a joint command. In the event the ASCC is assigned responsibility for establishing a joint command for logistics, the TSC or expeditionary sustainment command (ESC) with staff augmentation from other Service components may be designed to fulfill that mission.
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