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FM 3-0

2-47. A theater army supporting large-scale combat operations is allocated an EOD group. An EOD group commander can exercise mission command for two to six EOD battalions. An EOD battalion conducts staff planning and staff control of EOD assets within a division AO. EOD groups and battalions position their EOD companies at locations where they can best provide support throughout an operational area. The EOD group headquarters commands all Army EOD assets and operations in a theater and can serve as the basis for a counter-improvised explosive device task force. The group may also form the core of a specialized combined JTF with the mission of providing various protection and exploitation enablers such as counter-improvised explosive device, exploitation, or countering weapons of mass destruction (CWMD) task forces. The group can also provide enabling support, analysis, and support to targeting efforts, theater exploitation, and CWMD. The senior EOD commander normally functions as the EOD special staff officer for the senior deployed Army headquarters. (See ATP 4-32.1 and ATP 4-32.3 for doctrine on explosive ordnance disposal.)
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