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2-18. Readiness for ground combat is and will remain the U.S. Army’s first priority. The Army accomplishes its mission by supporting the joint force in four strategic roles: shaping operational environments, preventing conflict, prevailing in large-scale ground combat, and consolidating gains. The strategic roles clarify the enduring reasons for which our Army is organized, trained, and equipped. Army forces are further organized, trained, and equipped to provide specific core competencies delivering essential and enduring capabilities aligned with joint doctrine. The Army’s operational concept of unified land operations described in ADP 3-0 is built on the conceptual framework established by the Army’s strategic roles and its core competencies. Title 10, USC, the National Military Strategy, and DODD 5100.01 provide the overall guidance on the capabilities that the Army must provide to the Nation. The Army shapes operational environments and prevents conflict based upon the requirements of combatant commanders. The ability to prevail against any enemy during large-scale ground combat is what provides the military credibility necessary to deter war. Every operation must consolidate gains to make temporary operational success enduring and set the conditions for a sustainable and stable environment. Our non-negotiable obligation to the Nation is to win by achieving the combatant commander’s operational objective when the Army is committed to any type of operation.
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