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FM 3-0

2-40. The theater aviation brigade (general support) supports the theater with additional general support aviation battalions to perform assault, heavy lift, aeromedical evacuation, and air movement. Each theater aviation brigade can conduct assault or general support aviation tasks in support of the theater army and its subordinate commands. Unlike combat aviation brigades (CABs), a theater aviation brigade lacks attack and reconnaissance battalions. The theater aviation brigade has a mix of lift helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft. The brigade can conduct air assault, air movement, and sustaining operations. It will normally not have attached UASs. The theater aviation brigade reinforces CABs with additional assault, general support, heavy lift, and aeromedical evacuation. If properly task organized, with additional mission command and staff and maintenance assets, the theater aviation brigade can conduct other traditional CAB missions. If task organized with a theater fixed-wing battalion, the theater aviation brigade flies fixed-wing sorties in support of the ARFOR, theater army, and joint force land component. (See FM 3-04 for more discussion of the theater aviation brigade and theater fixed wing battalion.)
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