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FM 6-0

9-179. The decision matrix is a tool to compare and evaluate COAs thoroughly and logically. However, the process may be based on highly subjective judgments that can change dramatically during the course of evaluation. In table 9-7, the weights reflect the relative importance of each criterion as initially estimated by a COS (XO) during mission analysis and adjusted or approved by the commander. During COA comparison, rankings are assigned from 1 to however many COAs exist. Lower rankings are more preferred. After assigning ranks to COAs, the staff adds the unweighted ranks in each row horizontally and records the sum in the Total column on the far right of each COA. The staff then multiplies the same ranks by the weights associated with each criterion and notes the product in parenthesis underneath the unweighted rank. No notation is required if the weight is 1. The staff adds these weighted ranks horizontally and records the sum in parenthesis underneath the unweighted total in the Total column to the right of each COA. The staff then compares the totals to determine the most preferred (lowest total) COA based on both unweighted and weighted ranks. Although the lowest total denotes a most preferred solution, the process for estimating relative COA ranks and relative criteria weighting may be highly subjective. Upon review and consideration, the commander—based on personal judgment—may accept the results of the decision matrix or elect to execute one of the other COAs.
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