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FM 3-0

1-159. The consolidation area does not necessarily need to surround, nor contain, the support area base clusters, but typically it does. It requires a purposefully task-organized, combined arms unit to conduct area security and stability tasks and employ and clear fires. This unencumbers units conducting close operations and enables the higher echelon headquarters to focus on close operations, deep operations, and future planning. The additional combat power (BCTs or divisions) necessary to execute consolidation of gains is additional to the required combat power needed for close and deep operations. The theater army and GCC must include the expected force requirements to consolidate gains during operation plan (OPLAN) refinement and operations to shape and prevent to ensure these additional forces are included in the required forces to successfully conduct large-scale combat operations. In large-scale combat operations, a maneuver enhancement brigade is assigned to the support area, and it provides support to forces in contact with the enemy. Thus, a division or corps headquarters would receive an additional suborinate unit (BCT or division, respectively) responsibility for the consolidation area. For example, a division headquarters would receive an additional BCT, and assign that BCT an AO that corresponds with the division’s consolidation area.
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